Family STEPS

Family Support To Experience Parenting Success

Would you like support during your pregnancy or with your new baby?  Family STEPS can answer your questions, offer guidance on health and development before and after the baby is born.  The support staff can help you to…

·        Prepare for your babies arrival,
·        Care for your baby’s needs,
·        Take care of yourself,
·       Understand what to expect as your baby grows,
·        Connect to community resources, and
·        Listen to your concerns and needs.

Family STEPS is a voluntary program.  We will meet you at your house or at a place of you choose.

Family STEPS believes that a child’s first and best teacher is his/her parent.   Every new mom could use the support and guidance of someone trained to help them along the way.  Moms face lots of new and sometimes unexpected pressure in their new role as mother.  By having additional support, learning new skills, and having a resource will needs helps a mom face the challenges of parenthood.  Just this little bit of extra help would go a long way to ensure the success of parenting.

Contact Family STEPS at:

  • Buena Vista County

Crawford County Community Health will be advertising for this position.

  • Crawford County Community Health at 712-263-33

  • Sac County Health Services at 712-662-4785

Family STEPS Flyer

Family STEPS Education Sheet

Family STEPS Education Sheet